Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Steve Harvey's Ex-Wife Puts His Business Out There On Youtube....

Comic/author/radio host Steve Harvey may now rue the day he became a “relationship” expert. According to his ex-wife, Mary Harvey, he’s hardly qualified given his own indiscretions during their marriage.

Mary Harvey took to YouTube this week to allege that not only was Steve Harvey a serial cheater, but that one of the women he cheated on her with was his current wife, Marjorie Harvey. Over 200,000 YouTube users watched at least one of the three-part video series released by Mary Harvey a few days ago. In them, a composed Mary Harvey details her relationship with her ex-husband and says that not only did he cheat on her; he used his celebrity and money to force her into an unfair divorce and take their son, Wynton, away from her.
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

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